Clinica Ars Medica

Dr. med. Eleni Tsiantouli

Specialist in General Internal Medicine and Geriatrics

Areas of specialisation (2)

Contact me

Hospital (1)

Ars Medica Centro Medico
Via Cantonale 38
CH-6928 Manno

Work Experience

since 2021

Clinical Leader of Fracture Liaison Service, Clinica Luganese Moncucco

since 2021

Consultant Physician in Geriatric Department, Clinica Luganese Moncucco, Lugano, Switzerland

since 2021

Clinical Director of the Osteoporosis Centre, Clinica Luganese Moncucco, Lugano, Switzerland

2015 - 2017

Fellowship in Bone and Mineral Diseases, University Hospital of Geneva, Switzerland

2012 - 2015

Residency in Ortho-Geriatrics, University Hospital of Milano Bicocca, San Gerardo Monza, Italy

2010 - 2012

Residency in Geriatrics and Osteoporosis Centre. University Hospital of Messina, Italy


  1. Prevalence of Low Serum Alkaline Phosphatase and Hypophosphatasia in Adult Patients with Atypical Femur Fractures, Calcif Tissue Int, February 2022
  2. Functional and clinical outcomes of patients aged younger and older than 85 years after rehabilitation post‐hip fracture surgery in a co‐managed orthogeriatric unit, Geriatrics and Gerontology International 18(8) · September 2017
  3. Hypophosphatasia, Review Medicale Suisse, Avril 2017
  4. Oral health and dysphagia in the older population. Highlights of an EICA-EUGMS-ESSD training course held in San Servolo (Venice), May 18–20, 2016,  European geriatric medicine 8(2) · February 2017
  5. Effects of strontium ranelate on bone mass and bone turnover in women with thalassemia major-related osteoporosis, Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism 34(5), July 2015
  6. Global Anesthesia and Perioperative Medicine Hip fracture in centenarians: Retrospective analysis of an orthogeriatric unit reveals the limitations of the current research, Global Anesthesia and Perioperative Medicine, June 2015

Handouts Presentations

2013-2021 about Geriatric and Bone Diseases in Europe


since 2018

Doctorate in Bone and Mineral Diseases, University Hospital of Geneva, Switzerland (on going)


Specialiste in Geriatric Medicine FMH, Geneva Switzerland

2015 - 2021

Specialiste in Internal Medicine FMH, Geneva, Switzerland

2015 - 2016

Certificate Curriculum SVGO (Swiss Association against Osteoporosis) Post-graduate expertise course in Metabolic and Bone Diseases


MD, essay title: « Hip fracture in the frail elderly: Orthogeriatrics, a model of best-practice », Italy

2010 - 2015

Specialiste in Geriatric Medicine, degree : 50/50, Messina (Italy)


Master : Intensive course for projection and financial affairs for young researchers, Bruxelles

2003 - 2009

Bachelor of Medicine, degree : 110 e lode/110, University of Messina (Italy)

2001 - 2003

Greek and Latin Literature and Philosophy, University of Aristoteles, Thessaloniki (Greece)


High school (Greece)


30/09/2009 BEST 2009 Alma Laurea Bologna (Italy)

Prize for Best Graduate in Italy of 2009, National Selection by Alma-Laurea between the 50 Best new-graduates of Italy for 2009

27.08.2021 Young Investigator Award in Skeletal Rare Diseases, International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF)

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